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What are the differences between ABS plastic particles and PP plastics

Pingyuan       2020-01-06        83

Although plastics are common, there are many kinds of plastics, such as ABS plastic particles and PP plastics. What are the differences between ABS plastic particles and PP plastics?

  ABS plastic name: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer

  ABS plastic products can be colored with high gloss. Low water absorption and good combination with other materials. The flame is yellow, with black smoke and a special smell of cinnamon meat.

  ABS has excellent mechanical properties, excellent impact strength, can also be used at very low temperature. It has excellent wear resistance, good dimensional stability and oil resistance. The bending strength and compressive strength of ABS are poor.

  ABS has good electrical insulation and is not affected by temperature and humidity, so it can be used in most environments.

  PP plastic name: Polypropylene

  Crystalline material, small wettability, easy to melt fracture, long-term contact with hot metal is easy to decompose.

  The fluidity is good, but the shrinkage range and shrinkage value are large, so it is easy to deform.

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