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Application areas of recycled plastic PET

Pingyuan       2024-06-08        2
The application areas of recycled plastic PET are wide and varied, mainly in the following aspects:

Food packaging: Recycled PET can be used to produce food-grade plastic bottles and containers to meet food safety and hygiene requirements. Its high transparency and good chemical stability make it an ideal choice for manufacturing transparent packaging and containers.
Fibre products: In the field of fibre products, recycled PET can be used to produce recycled fibres, such as recycled polyester fibres, which are used in the manufacture of apparel and household products. This opens up new possibilities for an environmentally friendly transformation of the textile industry.
Industrial use: Recycled PET is also widely used in the industrial field, such as the production of various plastic products and engineering materials. Its plasticity and processing performance are good, and it can meet the needs of various complex shapes and functions.
Other fields: In addition to the above fields, recycled PET can also be used in the production of construction materials, automotive parts, etc., contributing to the green development of various fields.
From an environmental and economic point of view, the application of recycled PET has significant advantages. Firstly, it reduces the demand for fossil resources such as fresh oil, which is conducive to resource conservation and environmental protection. Secondly, by recycling waste PET plastic, it can reduce the pollution of plastic waste to the environment and reduce the pressure of plastic waste disposal.

In summary, recycled plastic PET is widely used in many fields, and its environmental and economic value cannot be ignored.

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