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What are the differences between PCR recycled particles and other particles

Pingyuan       2020-01-06        61

There are a lot of plastic products used in our life. Some of these plastic products are made of PCR recycled particles, and some are not. What are the differences between PCR recycled particles and other particles?

  Recycled materials: all the raw materials that can be recycled in industry and can be reused through a certain processing process are called recycled materials. Generally, it refers to recycled plastics. The properties refer to the recycled raw materials, but they are better than the new materials in some properties. Some properties are the same as the new materials, and other properties are still inferior to the new materials. What's the difference between PCR recycled materials and raw materials? Let's find out:

  1. Different colors. PCR recycled material is recycled material reprocessing, which is generally colored and mainly black. PCR raw material is directly extracted from petroleum, which is the natural color.

  2. The particles are different. The particle size of PCR recycled material is related to the configuration of the granulator, such as round flat particles, cylinder particles, and so on. ABS raw material particles are basically the same as small cylinder particles.

  3. The price is different. PCR recycled material is cheaper than ABS raw material.

  4. The physical properties are different. The physical properties of PCR regenerated material were worse than that of ABS raw material.

  5. The cleanliness is different. There may be impurities in PCR regenerated materials, but no impurities in ABS raw materials.

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