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New Research and Development Institute for High Value Utilization of Recycled Plastics Significance to the development of recycled plastics industry

Pingyuan       2023-06-09        5
For a long time, due to unsound laws, regulations and policies, the recycled plastics industry, whether in China or in other countries and regions around the world, whether by the government or scientific research institutes or large petrochemical enterprises, is extremely lacking in research and exploration on the high-value utilization of recycled plastics. At present, in the face of the major opportunity of "carbon neutral carbon peak", the top scientific research talents, patented technology and supporting instruments and equipment in the industry are seriously lagging behind the development needs of the industry, which brings great challenges to the task of carbon reduction of recycled plastics.

Therefore, Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. intends to build a research institute for the utilization of recycled plastics with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the government. Based on the potential and prospect of carbon reduction of recycled plastics, the institute will be able to integrate industry, academic and government resources to promote technological innovation, research and development in the field of recycled plastics.

The following are some of the potential directions and impacts of the institute in the future.
1. Technological innovation and R&D:The Institute will have the opportunity to conduct advanced research and innovation in recycled plastics technology and explore new methods of material recovery, processing and reuse. Through interdisciplinary cooperation, it can promote technological breakthroughs and solutions in the field of recycled plastics.
2. Industrial application and promotion:The institute will cooperate with industry to transform research results into practical industrial applications. By promoting advanced recycled plastics utilization technologies and solutions, the institute will promote the development of recycled plastics industry and drive sustainable development.
3. Policy support and regulatory guidance:Government participation will provide policy support and regulatory guidance for the Institute. Government departments provide policy and regulatory framework to support research and development in the field of recycled plastics and promote sustainable development implementation.
4. Talent cultivation and exchange:The institute provides training and academic exchange platform for researchers in related fields to promote talent cultivation and cooperation. This will help cultivate more professionals and promote the talent pool and development in the field of recycled plastics.

5、International cooperation and exchange:The institute can actively carry out international cooperation and exchange, and share experiences, resources and best practices with international institutions, enterprises and academia. This will help to promote global cooperation and development in the field of recycled plastics.

However, the future development of the Institute depends on a number of factors, including financial investment, technological progress, market demand and policy environment. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure good management and operation, continuous resource support and the joint efforts of partners.

Overall, Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. will become an important research institute in the field of recycled plastics with CAS and the government, providing perpetual power and technological cornerstones for the healthy and orderly development of the recycled plastics industry.

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