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What kinds and types of recycled engineering plastics are there

Pingyuan       2018-12-10        63

There are many kinds of plastic products in our life. How to distinguish them? What kinds and types of recycled engineering plastics are there?

  Introduction of Engineering Plastics: polyphenylene oxide

  The consumption of polyphenylene oxide has always been very large. At present, it has gradually replaced stainless steel to manufacture surgical medical instruments, and also involves the manufacture of gears, blower blades, pipes, valves, some parts in the electronic and electrical industry.

  Introduction of engineering plastics (2): polyphenylene sulfide

  Polyphenylene sulfide, abbreviated as PPS, is a relatively high price in engineering plastics. It is often mixed with other materials in the process of use. It has good heat resistance, corrosion resistance and flame retardancy to a certain extent.

  Introduction of engineering plastics (3): polyamide

  Polyamide is actually what people often call nylon, and it is also one of the most popular engineering plastics. It has good mechanical properties, durability, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and the most important thing is that its processing is also very convenient. At present, it has been widely used in automobile, electronic and electrical industries.

  Introduction of engineering plastics (4): Polycarbonate

  The biggest characteristic of polycarbonate is that it has the strength of metal, and has good ductility and toughness. It looks like glass and has good light transmittance. Therefore, it is often used as daylighting glass, lampshade, signal lamp, windshield, etc. it is one of the most widely used engineering plastics.

  Introduction of engineering plastics (5): Polyoxymethylene

  Polyoxymethylene is one of the most promising plastics in engineering plastics. Because of its hardness and strength as metal, it has gradually replaced some metal parts, and has been widely used in electronic and electrical, machinery, instrument, daily light industry, automobile, building materials, agriculture and other industries. I believe its future development will be better.

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