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Yan Ling County CPPCC Chairman Yan Hongwei led some CPPCC members to Research enterprise science and technology innovation work

Pingyuan       2024-03-18        4

March 13, county CPPCC Chairman Yan Hongwei led some CPPCC members to Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. research enterprise science and technology innovation, county science and industry bureau chief week expansion of military, development zone administrative approval service bureau chief Zhou Xinhua and other comrades.

During the research, Huang Enming, the person in charge of Henan Pingyuan New Material Science and Technology Co., Ltd. made a detailed report, and Yan Hongwei, the chairman of the CPPCC, highly praised and affirmed the company's innovative work in science and technology innovation, product innovation and business model since it settled in Yanling County and seized the national dual-carbon opportunity and the implementation of the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a System of Waste Recycling," and the policies such as the support of Henan Province to the development of renewable resources recycling industry and a number of measures. Ltd. is encouraged to grasp the east wind of the national recycling economy industrial policy, take advantage of the momentum, set up industry benchmarks, and make due contributions to the economic development of our county.

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