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How does the recycled plastics industry achieve a two-carbon circular economy?

Pingyuan       2023-06-03        1
From the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992 to the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, the basic framework of global response to climate change has been established. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Circular Economy" on July 1, 2021 (NDRC Environmental Resources [2021] No. 969), which states that during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China's During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China's macro economy has entered a brand-new development stage. "Based on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept and building a new development pattern" will become the keynote of the new development stage, high-quality development will become the main theme of the new development stage, and scientific and technological innovation and low-carbon green development will become the main driving force of the new development stage.
In the global trend of carbon emission reduction, China's double carbon target shows the role of a big country. Recycled plastics, as an important part of the recycling field, also attracts a lot of attention driven by the double carbon target. China's economy to achieve low-carbon development is imperative and a long way to go, recycling is one of the important paths of carbon emission reduction, and at the same time both pollutant reduction synergies, is undoubtedly an indispensable way to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutral. How to make full use of the domestic market under the new pattern of "double cycle", how to reasonably build the supply chain of the industry chain through the market, how to cultivate new advantages in the global market competition under the new development pattern, this is a major historical opportunity that China's recycled plastics industry should fully understand and need to grasp tightly.
China is the world's largest developing country, is currently in the rapid development stage of industrialization and urbanization process, rapid economic growth, energy demand, coal-based energy system and high carbon industrial structure, resulting in China's total carbon emissions and intensity at a high level. Looking at the double carbon implementation process in developed economies, China has a very difficult task. From peak carbon to carbon neutral and net zero emissions, it basically takes about 60 years for EU economies and 45 years for the US, while China is to reach peak carbon by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This means that China must use 30 years to complete the task that developed economies have completed in 60 years, and the enormity of the task is self-evident.
Relevant data show that in 2020, China's annual output of plastic products 76.032 million tons, down 7.1% year-on-year, is still the world's largest producer and consumer of plastics, plastic waste has also caused a huge environmental impact. The rapid development of the plastics industry has also brought many problems. Waste plastic due to non-standard disposal, the lack of effective recycling technology, long-term accumulation, resulting in serious environmental pollution. To solve the plastic waste pollution has become a global challenge, the major countries are taking measures to study and develop solutions. "The 14th Five-Year Plan also clearly states, "Reduce the intensity of carbon emissions, support places with conditions to take the lead in reaching the peak of carbon emissions, and develop action plans to reach the peak of carbon emissions by 2030", "Promote the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and Soil pollution control, and strengthen the control of white pollution". This is an arduous and urgent strategic task, and the recycled plastics industry has the responsibility to take the lead in breaking through.
China's plastic pollution prevention and control of the key problems are not in place, the awareness of prevention and control is relatively weak; regulations and standards and policy measures do not adapt, not perfect; plastic products market confusion lack of effective supervision; degradable alternative product applications face difficulties and constraints; waste plastic recycling and utilization system is not sound.
So, for the recycled plastics industry, how to realize the double carbon circular economy is a problem worthy of our discussion.
In the work of achieving the goal of "double carbon", first of all, we need to clarify the boundary of responsibility for emission reduction. The first step is to implement the carbon emission work in the production process, and to make the measurement means, unified standards and measurement methods scientific. Only on the basis of solid groundwork can we scientifically calculate the "carbon peak" indicator. In the basic work, we should not just shout the concept, and we should not just shout slogans. In the process of establishing the "carbon peak" target, we should consider the current situation of CO2 emissions and leave room for future development. Second, we should accelerate the research and development and promotion of green processes for CO2 emission reduction. The recycling industry must rely on advanced green processes and advanced process technologies to achieve CO2 emission reduction. Especially in the chain of industrial production, how to reduce CO2 emissions through green advanced processes, how to separate and capture CO2 in the production process, how to improve the transportation and storage of CO2, all these need process technology and process means to solve. Third, it is very difficult to reduce CO2 emissions, and even more difficult to neutralize CO2.
In addition, in the development of green transformation, plastic pollution control and plastic recycling should also make a substantial breakthrough. In the plastic pollution control and plastic recycling, we have to solidly grasp the four aspects of the work: First, research and development and looking for plastic pollution control and plastic recycling of advanced and practical technology, to be screened from the physical methods of plastic, chemical methods and degradable methods in a number of advanced and applicable, can be replicated; Second, in the selected technology, seriously organize a number of pilot and demonstration enterprises for Third, on the basis of the pilot and demonstration, then select some provinces and cities or large and medium-sized cities to carry out a wider range of pilot promotion; Fourth, to develop a roadmap and policy measures to promote the proposal in the country, forming an effective way and method of plastic pollution control and plastic recycling with Chinese characteristics, technical level and advanced management methods.
Finally, from the recycling end of the recycled plastics industry to the market demand end we need to do a good job of carbon reduction measures:
Recycling end: speed up the construction of recycling system for recycled plastics, the "integration of two networks" of waste recycling outlets and household waste classification outlets, actively implement the "Internet + recycling" model, online and offline synergy, and improve the standardized recycling enterprises to The integration ability of standardized recycling enterprises to individual operators. From the recycling port will expand the amount of recycling, in addition to the recycling body will be gradually standardized.
Supply side: improve the level of processing and utilization of renewable resources. Promote the scale, standardization and clean utilization of renewable resources, promote the agglomeration development of renewable resources industry, and build a modern "urban mineral" base at a high level. The implementation of waste plastics and other renewable resources recycling industry standardized management, improve the standardization of the industry, and promote the agglomeration of resources to advantageous enterprises. Accelerate the establishment of renewable raw materials to promote the use of the system, expand the application of renewable raw materials market channels, strengthen renewable resources to strategic mineral resources supply security capacity. This also further clarifies the recycled plastics industry to standardize, scale development ideas, in the processing and utilization of ports in the future is expected to high-quality enterprises tilt resources, can be expected to gradually change the future of the current recycled plastics industry "polarization is serious, scale enterprises and small single enterprises coexist, the scale of high-quality enterprise discourse is not strong, the lack of leading enterprises "The status quo.
Demand side: promote the high-quality development of remanufacturing industry. Encourage enterprises to apply remanufactured products in the after-sales service system and fulfill the obligation to inform. Encourage to further improve the replacement ratio of renewable resources to primary resources. The introduction of this provision is a major boon to the use of recycled products, which will gradually reverse the previous secret addition of recycled materials and shy away from admitting that their products contain recycled materials. From being discarded before to be valued today, but also attributed to the use of the purpose of change, before is to reduce costs for the purpose, now is to resource utilization and carbon reduction as the goal.
Plastic pollution whole chain management special action: scientific and reasonable to promote plastic reduction, improve the recycling of used agricultural film. Strengthen the classification of plastic waste recycling and recycling. Strengthen policy interpretation and publicity guidance to create a good social atmosphere. This is also a further emphasis on the 2020 "Opinions on Further Strengthening Plastic Pollution Control".

In summary, the development of circular economy is a broad and comprehensive system project, and the development of circular economy is a powerful grip to achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. To achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutral, we need to fundamentally change the way products are produced and used. It is important to reduce the emissions of the production process, that is, "process emissions". Waste plastics, as an indispensable part of the process, will be gradually guided by the Plan in recycling, processing and utilization, which is an important guarantee to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutral, and will further contribute to the development of circular economy, improve the use of resources, directly reduce energy and resource consumption, and achieve the goal of double carbon. (Source: National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China)

Introduction of Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co.
Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd, established in 2017, is located in the Economic Development Zone of Fugou County, Henan Province. As an advanced remanufacturing enterprise, the company focuses on the R&D, recycling, production and sales of PCR/PIR recycled plastics, and is committed to providing the world's leading recycled plastics recycling solutions.
The company has long been committed to solving environmental problems, deeply exploring the potential value of recycled plastics and promoting the improvement of human living environment. In recent years, the company has been actively promoting green low-carbon production and lifestyle, taking the lead in ESG practices in the field of recycled plastics, and continuously creating greater value.
The company is a national high-tech enterprise and a special-purpose new enterprise in Henan Province, and has an engineering technology research center for recycled plastics recycling in Zhoukou City, Henan Province. The company has passed the GRS global recycling standard certification and UL OBP 2809 tend to sea plastic certification, obtained ISO9001 quality system, 14001 environmental system and 45001 occupational health and safety management body certification.
The company has the only set of high-standard pilot laboratory in the domestic recycled plastics industry, and has deep cooperation with many research institutes and universities in production, learning and research. The company's chief scientist, Li Wangliang, is a special guest researcher of Henan Provincial People's Government, and has been selected as one of the 100 people in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has made outstanding contributions in the field of solid waste resourceization and high-value utilization.
Adhering to the development idea of standardization, grouping and industrialization, the company strives to build independent intellectual property rights and recycling brands, promote the upgrading and transformation of the whole industry, and devote itself to building a green, low-carbon and technology-enabled sustainable circular economy industrial system. The company fulfills its social responsibility with high standards and becomes a model enterprise of green and low-carbon development.
In the next forty years, the recycled plastics industry will see strong development and form a trillion-dollar market demand for recycled plastics. The company actively cooperates with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain, third-party organizations, public welfare organizations and the government to seize the "double carbon" policy and market opportunities. Based on the new development stage, the company will comprehensively implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, aim at improving the utilization rate of recycled environmental protection materials, enhance the efficiency of resource utilization, extend the recycling industry chain, promote the construction of ecological civilization, and help achieve the global "double carbon" strategic goal.
Henan Pingyuan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to devote itself to environmental protection and sustainable development, make greater contributions to society through innovative technology and green production methods, and become an important force in promoting the development of circular economy.

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